
July 2009 Newsletter
It has been some time since the last 4 Oneworld update. There is exciting news that we are pleased to share with all of you. Don't forget to forward this email on to everyone you know!
  • 4 Oneworld's new project: The Kibooba Village Primary School, Uganda
  • PanAfrica Organization awards the St. Kizito Computer Literacy Program
  • Live Music Fundraiser featuring Drop 35~Thursday, September 24, 2009 @ the KIA
  • Check out http://www.4oneworld.org/gallery.htt to view photos of the 4 Oneworld 2009 Uganda visit

The Kibooba Village Primary  School Project

Following an information gathering trip to Uganda this spring by Board President, Adam Stubbs and Executive Director, Tara McKinney, 4 Oneworld is now venturing into rural Uganda to the village of Kibooba (pronounced Cha-boba). Resources here are limited and local assistance is virtually non-existent. Kibooba was hit hard in the 1980s by war, AIDS and poverty. Because of this Kibooba is currently home to approximately 90 orphans.

In 2000 the villagers united to start a primary school to educate the orphans. The school also provides a daily lunch of millet porridge for the students; for the majority of children this is the only meal they receive for the day.

4 Oneworld board has connected with a Canadian non-profit, Friends of Kibooba (FOK) to explore the need for educational aid in the village of Kibooba. FOK has been successfully been assisting the village with educational and health care aid along with other development projects since 2005.

The Kibooba Primary School is in desperate need of support. The teachers haven't been paid in months. The actual building is only partially completed, and there are not enough desks, chairs, textbooks or learning tools.

4 Oneworld has committed to the Kibooba Village Primary School Project. This is a $40,000 goal to provide educational aid and an environment conducive to learning. 

We are thrilled to have formed relationships with the wonderful people of Kibooba and are excited to start raising funds for the deserving children.

To see the faces of Kibooba and other photos from the 2009 Uganda site visit, go to http://www.4oneworld.org/gallery.htt
Special Thanks to Maggie DeRolf for donating her time to design the beautiful PDF.


    St. Kizito Computer Literacy Project Update

    In 2008 4 Oneworld reached its goal for the St. Kizito         computer literacy project. Enough money was raised to     fund the computer lab, teacher and internet from 2006         through 2010. Thank you to all of our generous                     supporters! Your generosity has also made it possible for     St. Kizito  to be recognized by the  PanAfrican                     Organization as one of Uganda's leading computer             literacy programs.

    The PanAfrican Research Organization, in                         partnership with the United Nations Educational,                 Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is                 researching how the integration of Information Computer     Technology (ICT) can enhance the quality of teaching and     learning in Africa. Visit http://www.observatoiretic.org and     click on the English version to learn more about the             organization.

    The government of Uganda standardizes the ICT                 curriculum and only some schools have the infrastructure     to offer ICT as an elective class. Thanks to 4 Oneworld         donors St. Kizito is able to provide quality ICT education.

    Since 4 Oneworld started the project in 2006 this is the         first year that the St. Kizito senior class will take the         national exams. These students are in their fourth year of     ICT and their skills are impressive. The national exams         will be administered in November and 4 Oneworld                 expects  to receive results in December. St. Kizito             computer teacher, Denis Mwa is confident that the             students will receive good marks.

    Thank you to Steve and Anne Wester for                             donating their laptop to St. Kizito. Their laptop was a         cherished to gift for the computer lab. Denis Mwa and
    4 Oneworld are greatly appreciative for their kindness.

4 Oneworld Live Music Fundraiser Tickets on Sale NOW!

4 Oneworld will be holding a live music fundraiser with local rock band, Drop 35 on Thursday, September 24, 2009 to raise funds for the Kibooba Primary School Project. Drop 35 is generously donating the entertainment for the event, local restaurants will be providing delicious hors d’oeuvres and there will be a cash bar. A $20 ticket will enter attendees into a raffle to win a one week stay in a Mexican villa! Tickets are available online at www.4oneworld.org

Thank you to Chris Taylor for donating her exceptional graphic design skills for the fundraiser ticket and poster design,  and to Robyn and Brian Richardson for donating the printing.

Thankyou to www.ace4it.com for our new and improved Grassroots Newsletter!



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

Educate. Inspire. Empower.

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